Carlitos Who's the guy
behind these pages?
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School Crest
Students Fellowship

Pin Rugby
Rugby Football Club

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©'97: Carlos Espina
My name is Carlos Espina. Former student at the School, I'm still a member (some Saturdays even on the pitch) of the Rugby Club, which makes me keep certain bounds with the guys at the Students Fellowship.

All the Students Fellowship pages content has been supplied by the responsible for each area. I wrote down myself the content for the Rugby Club pages.

In both cases, I coded the pages under HTML, and developed most of the images, specially the GIF animations. For some other images, I've been lucky enough to find out there on the Net several that met very well our needs. I would like to thank from this page to their original authors.

I also would like to thank the people at the Graphic Computing Common Service, from the University of Oviedo, and more precisely to Joaquín Ordieres and Antonio Bello, for allowing the Students Fellowship and the Rugby Club to tell the world their stories through the School of Mines WWW server.

Any comment or advice that you could give us will be very welcome. If you want to tell me your opinion about these pages, send me an e-mail.