IEEE-754 Floating-Point Conversion
From 64-bit Hexadecimal Representation
To Decimal Floating-Point
Along with the Equivalent 32-bit Hexadecimal and Binary Patterns

Enter the 64-bit hexadecimal representation of a floating-point number here,
then click either the Rounded or the Not Rounded button.

Hexadecimal Representation:

Rounding from 64-bit to 32-bit representation uses the IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-value mode.


Decimal Value Entered:

Single precision (32 bits):

Binary:     Status:

Bit 31
Sign Bit

0: +
1: -
Bits 30 - 23
Exponent Field

Decimal value of exponent field and exponent
 - 127 = 
Bits 22 - 0

Decimal value of the significand

Hexadecimal:   Decimal:

Double precision (64 bits):

Binary:     Status:

Bit 63
Sign Bit

0: +
1: -
Bits 62 - 52
Exponent Field

Decimal value of exponent field and exponent
 - 1023 = 
Bits 51 - 0

Decimal value of the significand

Hexadecimal:   Decimal:

[ Convert IEEE-754 32-bit Hexadecimal Representations to Decimal Floating-Point Numbers. ]
[ Convert Decimal Floating-Point Numbers to IEEE-754 Hexadecimal Representations. ]
[ Reference Material on the IEEE-754 Standard. ]
[ CS-341 Home Page. ]
[ Dr. Vickery's Home Page. ]

September 1998
This page was created by Kevin J. Brewer of Delco Electronics. It was inspired by the floating-point to hexadecimal conversion page created by a Queens College undergraduate, Quanfei Wen, a member of PBK and UPE.

Last modified May 28, 1999